Thursday, May 24, 2007

The offering

What would I offer you?
In my youth I gave my burdens
Wallowing my prideful sorrows
Victimized by my own circumstance
Deceived by the dark cloud of selfishness
Aware of your presence
Unaware of your forgiveness
Collision of darkness and light
Broken so I could be made strong
Elevated by your refining love
You only ask for what you always wanted
Just me...all of me
But I have nothing to offer
All I’ve known is this heart
Flat lined by the disease
Yet you place your spirit in me

Gifting a new heart
Rejuvenated beauty
Condemned not by this world
Destined to be with you
Asking for your proximity
You welcome more
Drawing closer
To be called yours
Your son, your daughter
Once orphaned, no height or death could invade
My best is nothing compared to your measure
My offering is my heart
Teach me, change me, define me, and captivate me

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