Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Not for sale

Salty taste of tears running dry
Emptied by the thoughts of ones lost
Desiring to know a better way
You alone long for those who have strayed

Why doesn’t she get up today
Drugged by the condemnation she’s failed
It all seems overwhelming
You alone calm the raging sea

There are so many that depend on her
Nothing left to prove abandoned to the core
Orphaned spirits, hungry for intimacy
You alone redeem their dignity

One touch of your garment would heal them
A spoken voice, unveiling mysteries
How could they not be changed
You alone purchased the cost

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The offering

What would I offer you?
In my youth I gave my burdens
Wallowing my prideful sorrows
Victimized by my own circumstance
Deceived by the dark cloud of selfishness
Aware of your presence
Unaware of your forgiveness
Collision of darkness and light
Broken so I could be made strong
Elevated by your refining love
You only ask for what you always wanted
Just me...all of me
But I have nothing to offer
All I’ve known is this heart
Flat lined by the disease
Yet you place your spirit in me

Gifting a new heart
Rejuvenated beauty
Condemned not by this world
Destined to be with you
Asking for your proximity
You welcome more
Drawing closer
To be called yours
Your son, your daughter
Once orphaned, no height or death could invade
My best is nothing compared to your measure
My offering is my heart
Teach me, change me, define me, and captivate me


Perpetuated beauty
Driven by a call
Called by your love
Deep crying to deep
Unveil what has scaled my heart
Faith existing because of your faithfulness
My passion is you
Love motivates you
Seeing beyond the circumstance
Singing over where I stand
Promenade your presence
Created particles in the grand frequency
You are God, majestic over all creation

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I don’t want to

I don’t want to think about it
I don’t want to process this anymore
I don’t want to be consumed by wearing thoughts
Possibilities of maybes and what could be

I don’t want to face the fact I may care
I don’t want to face there may be fears
I don’t want to rewind the records misunderstood
Scratching the surface of disillusionment

I don’t want to see things always black and white
I don’t want to have lacking faith dependent on my sight
I don’t want to think about this
Not even a little bit


I don’t want to miss it
I don’t want not to grow more in you
I don’t want to be self dependant
Wanting only you

I don’t want to seem hopeless
I don’t want to be without vision and passion
I don’t want to be imprisoned by thought
Captivate me evermore