There are many things pondering in my mind:
What if I never see you again? Is my love circumstantcial? Is my love given freely? Can one be too content? How do people perseve me? I want to be known as one who seeks God's heart more then I want to be known as anything else. Do they get me? If obidience is better then sacrifice, am I in obidience? Is it ok that I don't cry watching chick flicks anymore? How long can I play Ultimate frisbee until my body just says "No More!" Is there really someone out there for me? Am I too busy ? Where are the Harvester's? Who will follow Jesus in Obidience? Who will count the cost? I love meeting new people, but miss old friends. I type 9 hours a day on a computer, I love to write but drained once I get home. How many of the books on my list of books to read will I finish this year? Can I get better playing the guitar? If I was engaged who would be in my wedding? I love the people in our Monday Night small group and our Kyrgyzstan team. What are you pondering?
how can people call someone a "nice person" and yet that person have no heart? will i get to fulfill everything on my dream list? am i the only one that sees it? why is it that i get refreshed from being outside but after a long day just want to lay around? will i fit everything in my suitcase? will the one for me ever find me? and if so will i know it's him?
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